So I'm going to back up a bit to some pre-departure stuff.
There were lots of little projects to complete. Here's a few that I have pictures for:
Spare anchor mount platform. This took a bit of custom fabrication. I made the bracket in cardboard first to make sure all the angles were right, then we built it out of 1/4" aluminum plate:
Fish cleaning/work table from:
(very nice workmanship and a nice guy to work with). I fabricated a custom piece for the aft handrail to get the table mounted at the right height and location.
Sewage tank bubbler. We've been bothered for a while now with that rotten egg smell coming from our holding tank vent when we flush the toilets onboard. This is caused by anaerobic bacteria in the tank. the stagnant sulphur smelling air is a byproduct of their activity breaking down the waste in the tank, and these nasty smelling gassing are pushed out the tank vent when you flush. We added a Groco Sweet Tank tank bubbler which aerates the tank creating a happy place for aerobic bacteria to move in and displace the smellier anaerobic guys. The little air pump is rated for continuous duty, and uses less than 1 amp at 12volts. Took a few days for the tank to go aerobic, but it is working great now. A tank of crap is still a tank of crap, but this setup has mostly eliminated the vent odor.
We also did a ton of provisioning and organizing of tools, spare parts, safety gear, and cruising stuff. Now if we can just keep track of where we put everything...
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